School Holidays Day One

Happy July Everyone! And welcome to the new financial year too!

Well we managed to survive day one of the school holidays unscathed! We were plus one today, but instead of cringing at the thought of even more children in the house, our cousin is always an extra helper! It's nice having yet another extra pair of hands about!

Sadly though, our day consisted of a lot of a lot of tears, sad faces, runny noses and sleeping! Yes my poor little Miss Two is sick. Day one and the cold of winter has worked it's magic over the family! So I have spent the day Glen 20ing the house in the hope that the germs don't spread to the entire family causing us to spend the first week locked up indoors!!

Yet, we still managed to survive the day without too much fighting. I laid the law down first thing to make sure there were no tantrums in the weeks to come ... I'll let you know how that pans out!

I hope your holidays are coming along smashingly! Enjoy!

Thanks ... MCM xxx


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