Fashion Alert!!

Does anyone else like Jeanswest? I lurve them!! Comfy jeans, cute clothes, they saved me the other day when I needed a top to wear to the hens night too!! Well tonight I've been doing a bit of online browsing and found my spring favs from Jeanswest!! I hope you like ...

I'm really loving the coral that's been around this season! Just a nice splash of colour! All I need now is a rich hubby and I'll be set! Happy shopping!

Thanks ... MCM xxx


  1. They are pretty colours together. We should catch up sometime too, once school goes back maybe a coffee somewhere? Do you have 2 at home? I've only got the 1 for now but thats not for long!

  2. Hi! Yes a catch up is a must we should do it on a Wednesday or Friday morning it is easier then as I have one at kinder and one at school! speak soon


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