Heelllooo ...

Hi there!
Yes I have been MIA the last few days! Sorry about that! I have just been recovering from my self destruction! Haha! What I mean is I have been to flat the last few days to take time out for me to just write! I feel as though the kiddies had completely consumed me! But after a WONDERFUL maccas breakie this morning and a HUGE coffee, I am back up and ... buzzing! Lol!
But today I have just signed up for the Kidspot Winter Weight Loss Challenge and I am going to get the old me back!
I'm not sure if read in the past that I had taken up boxing training sessions (where hubby went) and whilst I was doing these sessions I felt like super mum! I loved it! But due to my bloody back, I had to give them up so that my back could recover and now I feel like a slob, a lazy, sooky slob! No more walking to school, no more bike rides ... just lazy winter mum!


I plan on gradually getting my fitness back up, using these Kinder days for me and Miss (nearly) 1 to pound the pavement and enjoy a healthy winter ... not come out the other side 10kgs heavier! I want to feel how I did 2 months ago! And I will!

Stay posted, I will do an update a week on what I have been doing, what I have changed (if anything) and my goals and let downs! I will need support though! So please feel free to respond!

Thanks ... MCM xx


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