But after the week we have had I am so thankful that it is over and we can unwind a little.
So last week the engine light came on in my car. Hubby "Don't drive it." Ok hubby, what should I do to get our four children around then? We have been sharing his car. That was great until he had to go back to work! So for the first half of the week we had been walking to and from school!
The first couple of days were good, I was positive and full of energy. Zarah rode her bike and we saw lots of ducks and pelicans. The after school run on the second day was disastrous. There were tears and tantrums and fighting. I drove her to school in the car with the engine light on the next morning. Partly because I had to go to the mechanic. Mostly because I couldn't walk again.
Mind you, this isn't a ten minute walk!! This is a forty minute walk. Over an hour round trip. Twice a day. in three days I walked more than I have the whole year!!! My Map My walk app was freaking out!
Yes, Wednesday the car made it to the mechanic. "Leave it with me, shouldn't be too long."
Hmm ... yes I have heard that one before. So I packed up the pram with bottles and wipes and snacks and suncream and jackets and yes I live in Melbourne. We head to a nearby (30 minute walk) lake and we played and saw more pelicans! Only to have the mechanic call me an hour later to say my car was ready! You couldn't believe the joy I felt when I hung up the phone!
Happily I drove the beast home, only a minor problem, we got in before any damage was caused thankfully. Pat on the back to me for not driving it!
Thursday mornings, whilst everyone is at school and Aerotots, is my day to potter, blog, write, read, be me. I slept. Like a log.
I woke up furious that I achieved nothing in my short quiet time, but I am grateful to have a few minutes rest. Although the house begs to differ!!
Then today was Mikayla's sports carnival and Zarah's school fete! Had the day planned, yet another busy one! Get Mikayla on the bus first, then drop Zarah off at school, head to Mikayla's school before 10am to see her race that is on after snack.
To say Mikayla's race was a little after 10am would be an understatement.
2pm she ran. Hubby came to watch too. His patience are ... lets say ... non existent. So I had a morning of him moaning and groaning. With fair reason, he was meant to work today! But when they stopped for luck right before Mikayla's 200m race even I was a bit ansty. The clouds were rolling in and we thought that the day would be canceled and we spent the whole day waiting for a race that didn't happen! But thank the heavens, the rain held off and my baby got to run.
And boy did she run.
I was so proud watching her. I turned into one of 'those' mums that yell from the sidelines. Cheering her on we were and with good reason. She won! First place, 200m, 11 year old girls. So proud!
After the chaos (and the birthday party tomorrow) I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend with my family.These are the people who make it all worth while!
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