Welcome 2014

Happy New Year!!

Welcome to the first post of 2014. I have high hopes for this year, with lots of personal ventures and lots of other ambitions up my sleeve I want to make this year as productive as possible! Maybe even make a dollar or two!!!

We had a great New Years Eve. It was just hubby, the kids and I but we had fun!

While two slept and two others were watching TV, Nate and decorated the dining room, set the table all spesh and cooked a damn good BBQ, with roast potatoes and salad. I kinda out did myself!

You know when i pull out the spesh place mats that I mean business!

The while daddy stayed with Nate, I took the girls to see the family fireworks at 9:30. They were so excited -and patient- to see what was install for them. We parked along the Maribyrnong River with half of Melbourne, and waited down stream for the big event to begin!

Shhh .... Don't tell dad, but sat on the bonnet of his car while we waited!! Boredom struck and Zarah even rang Nova 100 for a quick chat Gordy! Happy Days!

It was gorgeous night, the kids were summering it up for the night, even though the cold was trying to break through! Thankfully the bad
weather held off for today :(

So finally 9:30 ticks passed, 9:35 ... 9:36 ... by this stage Zarah has started the 'We want fireworks' chant along the river. We were away from all the action, so when we heard a bang and there was no fireworks, plus the odd burning smell, we were a little concerned (and grateful to be situated away from the area). However, our concerns were dismissed when the first firework was released and sizzled in the air with the awesome sound that accompanies them, although, been further down the river it was like watching a movie when the sound is out. We could see the fireworks going off and exploding, but the sizzle sound was when is exploded, and the explosion sound was when another being released! Amused me for a while. Kids didm't get it!

We returned home and the girls insisted on staying up. So we cracked open the sparklers and sent them all outside! I lit them and handed them round (Dad sat a way back, telling me 'Be careful, those things are dangerous) and the kids a ball. waving them about and writing their names in the sky. Lexi was hell bent touching her sisters with them (pyro!) then lost herself staring into its hypnotic flames.

With only an hour to go, we put on our fav New Years show .... Austin and Ally and Jessie! What else? No I don't wanna watch Four Holidays!

But they loved it, especially the part where Austin Moon sings, so thought he wasn't going to make it!  Thank God for Jessie!

We then waited for midnight and for the fireworks to start on the TV.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... Happy New Year!

We brought in 2014 with all three girls awake. I cried. For something different. We hugged, we kissed, watched some of the Melbourne CBD fireworks from our balcony, which was pretty cool! Then we tucked the kiddies into their beds. I flaked it on Lexi's bed, hubs flaked it on Zarah's bed.

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you have an amazing year!

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