Hi all!!
Mothers Day is not too far away! A day of relaxation, pampering and family time, until you have kids of your own, then it's all about handmade gifts, burnt toast and coffee without sugar (yuck!) and being smothered in love!!
I love mothers day! Although my mum and I are no longer in contact which makes it very sad, I love waking up to my beautiful little angels laughing and trying desperately to be quite!! They truly are the most special little creatures on this planet! Then spending the day with our extended family, laughing and sharing great food, and maybe a glass of wine ;)
Upon "surfing the net" of late, I have come across a few great competitions for mothers day gifts! The most recent I found was from The Body Shop to win an Africa Spa Package!! As an ex Body Shop At Home rep, I can strongly recommend this one!!
But what are your traditions in your family? Hubby and I agreed when Miss 8 was born that we would make something for mothers and fathers day! So every year we get creative (and competitive) and create a master piece to share! Gifts have included; pillows, t/shirts, mobiles and paintings! But most people we know buy gifts for one another, usually not even including the children in the purchase!! Kind of defeats the point of the gift if you ask me! But then you might look at us and see two over controlling parents who take over their children's projects!! Haha!
Thanks ... MCM xxx
Mothers Day!
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