Best night ever!

Tonight I laid in bed ... And read the blogs of the Kidspot's Top 50 Bloggers.

OMG! So funny and touching and inspiring all in one! I loved it! Originally tonight started by, I could desperately use that $5000 they are giving away, maybe I'll vote and turned into, holy crap my blog sucks arse, I want to just read these ones!!!!! Then it eventually changed to motivation to write more and grow and maybe get betterer! Maybe! With lines like If being a mother required a license I would have lost it this week or at least a couple of demerit points! I couldn't stop myself from reading and giggling and joining so many new pages that I truly love and cannot wait to learn (and master) the art of blogging!!

As most of the stories go in the blogopshere I'm another mum wanting to share their world to everyone, a bit Truman show like, but with words!! Makes sense? Be sure to head over to Kidspot and check out the awesome talent!

Thanks ... MCM xxx


  1. Good luck hun - I hope you win that $5000 bucks. xxx

  2. Thank you Sonia! I thoroughly enjoyed reading over everyones blogs last night! It was so inspiring and I look forward to reading future posts from yourself and all the others!


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